Mission Statement and Bylaws


The UCSC Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS) and the associated research, education, and outreach work taking place at the UCSC Farm and Alan Chadwick Garden play key roles in advancing agricultural systems that are environmentally sound, economically viable, and socially responsible.


The Friends of the Farm and Garden envisions healthy, sustainable local and global communities for future generations through the advancement of the UCSC Farm and Garden, the Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture program, and the research and education work of the Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems.


The mission of the Friends of the Farm and Garden is to provide financial support, public outreach, and advocacy for the Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture program, the associated undergraduate research and education in agroecology, and the UCSC Farm and Alan Chadwick Garden sites, which serve as unique community resources for year-round organic gardening education programs and projects.


Friends of the UCSC Farm and Garden

Revisions approved by membership, November 14, 2018

Article 1: Name

The name of this organization is the Friends of the UCSC Farm & Garden. It is recognized as a University Support Group under the aegis of the UC Santa Cruz Foundation.

Article 2: Purposes

The purposes of this organization are –

A. to provide support for the Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS) Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture program, and undergraduate research and education in agroecology through fundraising, public outreach, and advocacy;

B. to foster appreciation for CASFS and assist staff in sharing knowledge of ecological horticulture practices and sustainable agriculture research in the community;

C. to strive to promote the UCSC Farm and Garden as a unique community resource for organic and sustainable gardening education through the Friends’ year-round schedule of publications, workshops, and other events.

Article 3: Membership and Contributions

A. Membership is open to all individuals and organizations subscribing to the above purposes.

B. Each member is entitled to one vote at organizational meetings.

C. Categories of membership and related contributions are established by the board of directors and are payable annually.

Article 4: Meetings

A. An annual membership meeting is held for the election of officers of the board of directors and for the transaction of other business.

B. Additional membership meetings may be scheduled by the board of directors.

Article 5: Officers and Directors

A. The board of directors consists of no fewer than 9 and no more than 21 members.

B. For the purposes of board decision making, a quorum shall be defined as 30% of the current number of board members. A quorum is required for board action on budgetary/financial matters and for action on board/Friends policies. If a quorum is not present but action must be taken, absent board members may cast their vote by phone or email.

C. Ex-officio members of the board include the Chancellor or designated representative, the editor(s) of the Friends' publication, former board presidents, and others as the board may deem appropriate, including staff members of the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems.

D. Approximately one-third of the directors are elected by the board each year for a term of three years. Directors may serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms.

E. The officers are one or more presidents, one or more vice-presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer, each to be elected by the general membership for one year. Officers may serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms.

F. A nominating committee is appointed by the president that consists of at least one board member and one person from the organization's general membership. The committee will notify the general membership at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting as to the nominees for board officers.

G. Staff members of the Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems may not be board members but are encouraged to serve the board in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity.

Article 6: Duties of Officers and Directors

A. The president(s) shall consult with Center staff prior to all board meetings to form the meeting's agenda; draft and send the agenda to all board members prior to each meeting, with the assistance of Center staff; facilitate all meetings; act as a representative of the board at selected public events; serve on the finance committee; have ex-officio membership on all standing committees of the board; and review, approve, and sign the Friends’ Annual Report.

B. The vice-president(s) shall assist the president as needed, perform the duties of president in his/her absence or incapacity; act as a representative of the board at selected public events; and provide board orientation and act as liaison for potential and new board members.

C. The secretary shall be responsible for taking and preparing the minutes of board meetings for distribution to the board with the next meeting’s agenda and thank event presenters, volunteers, speakers, and donors who have assisted in Friends' events.

D. The treasurer shall consult with Center staff and/or the Social Science Service Center staff to review and report the status of the Friends’ budget at board meetings, work with Center staff to develop the Friends’ annual budget, and chair the Finance Committee.

E. The board of directors may instruct an executive committee (consisting of the officers of the organization) to conduct any special business and report to the board.

F. Board members may be assigned individual responsibilities, such as assisting with membership, special functions, hospitality, and/or public information.

G. The board of directors manages the affairs of the organization between annual meetings and directs the disbursement of funds. All moneys not necessary for the operation of the organization are used to benefit the Farm and Garden. The directors are responsible for keeping the membership informed of the organization’s activities by a newsletter and other means.

H. The three standing committees of the Board are those for Budget/Finance, Board Development, and Program.

I. In the event of the dissolution of the organization, all assets shall become the property of the UC Santa Cruz Foundation.

Article 7: Amendments

These by-laws may be amended at the annual meeting of the organization by a 2/3 vote of the members present, provided that notice of such proposed amendments have been mailed to the membership at least two weeks before the meeting.

Article 8: Parliamentary Procedure

Robert's Rules of Order (Revised), when not in conflict with these by-laws, govern the proceedings of the organization.